Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cum Laude (thanks for everything)

According to Wikipedia, Cum Laude means with praise; an honor added to a diploma or degree for work above average. Well, actually I don’t really concern about the term as well as its explanation. But on August 26, outspokenly I heard that term and it was aimed to me and some friends. Yeah, on that day was my great day since the “Sidang” was held, in English it probably means the presentation of our final paper at college in front of the tester who are pretty much the lectures from our faculty. Therefore “Cum Laude” stole my attention quite a lot then.

Normally, Sidang lasts for about 1 hour or maybe more, but then I only had it just for about 45 minutes. Well, let me explain how it went then.
First of all we (the participants of Sidang) were all gathered in C room to kick off the sidang itself. We were all then 29 persons from squad of 2005 and 2004. The first Dean Assistant of FPEB then opened up the sidang and gave us little bit explanation about it. We all then praised and prayed God as wanted to do it well. Subsequently, we waited the calling to be questioned and tested by three lectures. What a lucky person, I got the first call and without any more thought I headed down the C room where 2 lectures were waiting for me there. The first lecture was Pak Disman (the first dean assistant of FPEB) and the second one was Pak Askolani (the lecture who taught human resource management), the third tester hadn’t come yet then, therefore I had to wait him a bit later, it was fine anyways.
Yeah, at 7.45 am exactly I started explaining before them about the paper I wrote, I only had 7 minutes to present it all but I guess I talked more than 15 minutes then, hehe…the lectures were not aware obviously. They then gave suggestion and asked me several questions and, but thanks God I could answer all those and satisfied them (maybe ^_^). The kindness of two lectures made me quite comfortable talking in front of them, there wasn’t any offensive or unpleasant saying then. It is because we were doing fasting I guess haha…
The second round of my sidang was at 1 pm and the tester was Pak Ikin, he was an accounting lecture who taught us many things about finance and accounting. I liked his subject though I pretty much got B, hoho…He just asked me several simple things and I was able to answer pleasingly (maybe again ^_^).
In simply, I would say that my sidang was really something. I didn’t face any significance hurdle as I’d prepared for it quite long – six months.
So you, who soon will have sidang, I really suggest you to master your paper and prepare anything well. Besides, give as much charity as to the poor and help your friends to ease their problems, then Allah will also ease yours.
Thank you so much
(unedited yet)