Monday, July 8, 2024

Penelitian Niat Diversifikasi Investasi


Perkenalkan nama saya Egi Arvian Firmansyah, mahasiswa Ph.D. di Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). Saat ini saya sedang melakukan riset tentang niat diversifikasi investasi ke platform Fintech Lending (Peer-to-Peer Lending) Syariah di Indonesia.

Saya mengundang Anda untuk mengisi kuesioner ini jika Anda tahu Fintech Lending Syariah namun belum pernah berinvestasi di platform ini, serta memenuhi SALAH SATU kriteria berikut:

1. berinvestasi pade deposito syariah
2. memiliki akun SOTS (Sharia Online Trading System) ATAU berinvestasi pada saham syariah.
(jika Anda memenuhi kriteria dua-duanya, pilihlah di mana Anda investasikan dana lebih banyak).

Sepuluh (10) responden beruntung akan mendapat saldo GoPay @150.000 (pemenang akan diposting di blog pribadi saya 

Kuesioner ini berisi berisi tiga bagian utama: pengenalan Fintech Lending Syariah, pernyataan, dan data demografi. Diperlukan waktu sekitar 10 menit untuk menjawab seluruh pertanyaan.

Partisipasi Anda dalam survei ini sangat berarti dalam mengembangkan sektor keuangan syariah, khususnya Fintech Lending Syariah. Data dalam riset ini sangat dijaga kerahasiannya (confidential) dan semua jawaban hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan akademik.

Jika ada pertanyaan dan lainnya, silakan hubungi saya melalui email ( atau WhatsApp (081322116906).

Terima kasih :)

Egi Arvian Firmansyah
Universiti Brunei Darussalam

1.    Dr. Masairol Masri
2.    Dr. Muhammad Anshari
3.    Dr. Mohd Hairul Azrin Besar


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Bibliometric Analysis

Hello there, this post contains the materials used in the Bibliometric Analysis sharing session conducted yesterday (14 February 2024) at UBDSBE. Thanks to all participants attending the session.

Click bellow to download:


Video Recording

R software


And here are some photos:


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Fintech payment vs. bank

A few days ago, I received two funds in my bank account, named B*I bank. I noticed that the first fund was transferred using a fintech payment application popularly used in Indonesia, called Fl*p. The second fund was transferred directly through a different bank from mine. Since there were no names in both transfers, I was confused. I just needed to make sure whether those two funds belonged to me. At least, if I could see the name, I could then feel okay. I am afraid that the money was transferred randomly or something. To find out, I tried to contact both the fintech payment company and my bank.

First, I emailed the customer service of the fintech payment company. They replied promptly, asking me to send them some information about myself and my bank account. Surprisingly, they didn’t need much time to let me know the sender’s name. I was glad that I could finally know the name. Having known it, I felt confident that the money indeed belongs to me. I know that the sender usually forgets to confirm to me whenever she has transferred.

Second, I also tried to contact my bank through its chat box application on its website. The guy told me that I couldn’t know the sender’s name, recommending me to come to the nearest bank by bringing my saving book, ID card, and ATM card. I told him that I am abroad, but he couldn’t do much. All in all, I still do now know the name of the sender.

Here I could take some lessons. First, fintech companies are more flexible in their service provisions. They indeed provide solutions to us in this digital age. Second, large banks, with their established systems, sometimes are more rigid. I know that this is part of their SOP(s). However, the approach is often far from our expectation as customers. Third, maybe we will have less dependence on the banks in the future. I just feel that financial technology will somehow change the ways we do money transactions, such as transferring, investing, and saving. So, are large banks being threatened by fintech? Are they aware of it? These questions may be interesting to discuss in finance class.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Scopus-indexed papers affiliated with my Ph.D school

As a Ph.D student, I have to contribute to the school where I am studying, i.e., Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Now is the second year of my Ph.D and I have done several things related to my work and I am making this posting as a record for future needs. In terms of Scopus-indexed publication, I have so far published two research papers indexed in this database. These are as follows: 

  1. A twenty years bibliometric analysis (2002 – 2021) of business economics research in ASEAN
  2. A Scientometric Study on Management Literature in Southeast Asia

Those two research papers are indexed by Scopus where the first one is currently indexed in the second quartile (Q2) while the second in the fourth quartile (Q4). In the first paper, I used double affiliations: Universitas Padjadjaran (my workplace) and Universiti Brunei Darussalam (my Ph.D school). Meanwhile in the second one, I used Universitas Padjadjaran as my affiliation but one of my co-authors, who is my Ph.D colleague, used Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Those two papers mention Universiti Brunei Darussalam and the credit goes to the school. 

Proving those two papers as having contribution to my Ph.D school can be done as follows. First, go to and click affiliations. In the search bar of affiliations, type Universiti Brunei Darussalam and the following result will appear.


Subsequently, select only Business, Management and Accounting in the subject area since my field is in this area. This results in 417 documents (per today). 


In the left side, click Author Name and show all. Checkbox only my name (Firmansyah, E.A.) by clicking 'limit to'. By doing so, the following screen showing the two papers will appear:

The search string is as follows:

AF-ID ( 60072089 ) AND SUBJAREA ( busi ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( PREFNAMEAUID , "Firmansyah, E.A.#57216978125" ) )

That's all and thanks! 

UBD - Bandar Seri Begawan, August 21, 2023 (convocation day).