After thinking quite awhile before the laptop screen of mine, the idea to write this piece of writing flashed on my mind deliberately. I am not a computer science graduate or an ICT expert; I am just an amateur blogger and a so-called techno lover so that I’m eager to share with you all readers about computer’s stuff. Again it’s mere my personal judgment and experience I want to share with you, so if you find something irrelevant to your view, I beg your tolerance then. What I’m about to list here is that series of freeware software or no-buy ones, it means we can freely install and use those without having a fear of using non-genuine software. I'm using these following software both for laptop and PC at my home. By installing all of these, you'll be able to fully use your PC or notebook for almost of your computing works. Well, without further ado, here they are:
1.Browser: Mozilla Firefox
Having installed windows and all drivers for all hardwares on your PC, the next thing that you have to do is that to install a web browser. Browser is a program on computer that lets you surf internet and connect the world. By installing a browser we will be able to do anything such download programs, update software, ask people on forum about issues on our PC etc. That obviously means we can do anything if web browser has been installed (of course you do have internet connection such as dial up modem, LAN etc) on our PC. My favorite browser is that, damn cool Mozilla Firefox. Yes this web browser is the most comfortable and fastest I have ever used. I have ever used almost all web browsers such as Opera, IE, Google chrome, Safari. But I'm sticked on burned Fox as it has bunch of adds on what will make your surfing experience even more astonishing. Just download it at www.mozilla.com.
2.Office suite: Open Office
I am sure the first time you knew about computer, it was all about typing, wasn't it? Yes, almost all of us first learn using computer is to type on office suite application as it is the very basic we need to do to deal with computer. We can be called computer literate if we are unable to type. There are many office suites comprise text processing, spreadsheet, and presentation. Ms Office is the commonest one, since the price is quite irrational for me (now), I use Open office 3.1 which is freeware developed by Sun Microsystems. We can download, modify and distribute it. This office suite is resemble to Ms Office 2003 and you won't find substantial difficulties in using it. Even though the quality isn't perfect, the latest version of it enables you to open extension files of ms office 2007 such as .docx. .pptx, .xslx. What you need to do is that, work a bit harder to edit the file if you want to get better result. That's not a big deal anyways since you don't have to pay several bucks, right? It can be downloaded here : www.openoffice.org.
3.Picture manager/editor: Google Picasa
If you are like me, the most important pictures on laptop or PC is of course pictures of mine, family and friends. It is therefore I have to manage all of those snapshots so that I can easily access those at anytime. The choice of photo manager falls to Google Picasa. It's a giant Google's software that lets you manage, tag, edit pictures in just few clicks. The most recent version of it is almost similar to apple iPhoto in which you can tag the face and Google Picasa will then automatically find all pictures that are alike. Besides, we can blog picture automatically to our blog or upload it to our picasa web album right from Google picasa. I am definitely sure you will be impressed by this totally cool photo editor, just download and use it now! Here's the link: picasa.google.com
4.Music Player: iTune
Music collection in MP3 format is the most familiar one among us. It's concise and has good quality therefore many us prefer this format to others. I pretty much use iTune from Apple for playing and managing the music on my hard-drive. It has tremendous features that will make us easier to listen and organize music based on actress or album. What I love the most is that the “search” feature which lets me search song with ease. Get on this site to download: www.apple.com.
5.Movie player: Media Player Classic
This lite, tiny and simple movie player lets you play almost all of video formats such as WMV, vob, MPEG, MOV and everything. I guess almost all people obviously know and use it. Tough some of us might prefer to use Windows Media Player bundled by operating system, MPC is still much better as it works faster and uses small amount of RAM of your computer. Other media players such as GOM, VLC or Power DVD are also good, but here I just share with you the most frequently used one by almost all people, do you? Well, download here: download.cnet.com/Media-Player-Classic/3000-2139_4-10518778.html
6.Anti Virus: SMADAV
Data security is the hottest issue in the today's world. Document, software, spreadsheet, presentation file, and pictures are the target of those who love hacking and making people depressed. Once I have experienced computer of mine struck by virus and I couldn't do anything but re-install my PC, at that time was really novice about computer so that I didn't defense my computer with anti virus or something. Sometimes I think why do people love making and flourishing viruses, yes they are smart but they are truly wicked. It's therefore a must for us to protect our computer with anti virus, anti spy or whatsoever but for sure it's a protector. I used to use imported antivirus that I downloaded from net, but since few months ago I have been using local one and it is SMADAV antivirus. Yes it is made and developed by Indonesian people and I like that. I donated some money to get the Pro version and now I am using it to protect system and data on my laptop. Besides SMADAV, there are also ANSAV and PC MAV which are made by Indonesian, but I think smadav is better among others as it can scan and detect virus faster. I can download the update with no barrier as the Pro one lets me update automatically if I have internet connection. The free version is also good, but it works a bit slower than the pro one, you can get it here: www.smadav.com
7.Chat application: Yahoo Messenger
Chatting with people far from you is always interesting. Since using phone call will be really expensive, I instead use Yahoo Messenger to chat and talk to people I want to talk to. Asides from exchanging text, we can also talk and see the picture of person we talk to by using conference feature, but of course you have got to have webcam and microphone plus earphone to do it. YM can be installed or it's also available if you use Yahoo mail. Yahoo messenger also lets you send SMS to cell phone number near you, I have ever used that several times but now I am rarely use SMS feature as I am afraid the message won't deliver. Well, it's wort it to try though, just download here: id.messenger.yahoo.com/download/
8.Education: Kamus 2.04,
Kamus 2.04 is Indonesian-English (vise versa) dictionary contains thousand of words and phrases in both languages. This amazing software is also made by Indonesian and I really proud of using it. I can translate most words you find on internet or else, in case you couldn't, please add that word to the list by clicking plus button on it. You may get it here: www.ebsoft.com
9.Computer janitor: CCleaner
Cleaner is totally important to clean up junk files on your PC or notebook. There are many programs you can buy or get it for free, and I chose Ccleaner to deal with those unwanted files. It can fix registry and clean up almost so-called rubbish files such as internet cache, history, recycle bin file etc. You can find the latest version here: www.ccleaner.com
Well, that's all for now. You might be questioning why it should be 9 not 10, or what it should be those software I wrote here. The answer for that query is that, again, it's personal experience and of course totally subjective. You may have your own versions, so please share with me here.
Many thanks :).