Readers, two days ago (May 1) was the international labor's day and I didn't very much celebrate it. It's nice to have this day though it's not a legally holiday in most countries. The USA is actually has its national labor commemorated on the first Monday of September. I still remember it as I bought my Acer laptop on this day – September 2, 2008. memorable :). In Indonesia, many people rallied on this day especially workers who strive for the better labor affairs including salary raise, eradication of outsourcing, contract improvement etc. I read somewhere that on May 1, 2010, more than thousands people went to Jakarta, marching from “Bunderan HI” to “Istana Merdeka”. They came from many cities mostly in Java island – Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Tangerang and vicinity to fight for their aspirations. This labor case has tons of problems that haven't been able to be solved yet.
The things they strive for are actually rare to meet the realization. I know that it's not really fair for workers in this country in terms of salary and others. Every country also faces the same problem though. America and Japan are two biggest economies in the world but they they still have some issues related to the labor matter, it's much better than in our country though. As an information, one of my house family in Arizona told me that the salary at Walmart is $7 per hour. So when someone works there for 5 hours per day, daily, she or he earns $35 and it's actually much higher than most jobs in Indonesia. But wait, my house family said that it's way too small still, they told me that it's still the form of labor exploitation so that they didn't buy any goods from Walmart. They prefer to shop at Fry's or else. Well, for sure I didn't tell them the salary of workers in Indonesia as it was not at all worthwhile to be compared.
Thing that seems to to biggest issue in labor affairs in this country is that the unfairness for the workers. Especially those who are in the low income field of jobs. Those who are in the high level job are actually enjoying the low rate of rupiah compared to US dollar. The low rate cost of living in this country is also kind of bless for them. Who are they? Sure the expats and those who work for international companies. Should we blame for them? Of course not. It's just the unfairness that is portrayed by this kind of thing.
I am hoping the situation will be getting better very soon. Government needs to work harder and (cleaner) to take care of and grant this labor demands. Corruption is such a totally spooky thing that hampers the development of this country. This evil action is thriving in almost all aspects of life in this nation. It seems a common thing to do corruption here, it's fact ladies and gentlemen. I experienced few weeks ago in two institutions, the officers did it before me. I don't want to tell you the name of them though. Well, it is still the number one problem problem that we have to completely demolish. PERC (Political & Economic Risk Consultancy) Hongkong stated that Indonesia is the most #1 corrupt country among 16 Asian Pacific countries which were surveyed. This institution surveyed 2,174 businessmen who would like to do investment overseas. And you know, those surveyed people voted Indonesia as the most corrupt one, what a shameful thing. For more info, you may read this thing on at
Well, It's no use condemning this thing bad thing. Once I have ever thought, should I move to another country? Or should I change my nationality? Ah...what a loser if I did. I just want to refine this country by doing things that I can do. I know it's way hard to do that, but if we just kept silent or condemning it, it won't come to any fruition. Being a small business owner might be the better solution for us to earn much more earnings. At the same time, we'll able to create job opportunities for many people. In short, whatever you are, let's be an entrepreneur!
Just keep working hard, be sincere with all of heart and soul. Insya Allah.
*This post hasn't been thoroughly edited. Sorry if you find any mistakes either in grammar or the content.
1 comment:
hwuaaaaaaaaaaa, Gie!
Long time no reading ur blog postings! Like this, advantageous...subhanallah (at least I find it so,hehe) n i can't help commenting (with what in my mind, jst my opinion ya)
I didn't know international labor's day is May 1 till reading this..hehe
This is a big issue; a problem for all.Blaming others sometimes just creates another problem.
but, but, perhaps simply bcoz we're a developing country being a victim of 'uncontrolled globalization' (red-corporations, industrialization, digitalization, capitalization, exploitation, domination n other 'tions'..hoho..n u know behind those 'tions' are giant companies from giant countries). It eventually victimizes no other, the poor, including what we call as LABOR. u know even child labors still exist today in some areas; in indonesia or also there, overseas.
Even if d government comes up with a law providing better choices for laborers, no guarantee dat
d situation will get better, probably, (bcoz globalization can't be overcome by law)...
it brings people to think only of benefit, profit, money, money, as much as possible, for their own!
even d labors themselves may not realize they're part of being globalized world. they just go on strike
or do marching or demonstration only for d sake of their salary raise! so dat they can eat as they should be! (maybe)
furthermore, u're right., poor our country. sharp practice is everywhere! u are one of d firsthand persons seeing such thing right?u are just one of so many, i'm sure, it's been verrrrryyyyyyy common already ya brother.
Even when government try to demolish it root n branch but it will never work till self-awareness of everyone is built, or at least starts being built.
huks, too tired to be pesimistic, too tiring situation.
what to do now? (i don't know)...hehe
but i'm confident dat everything will be better,someday! let's have hopeful positive views of our nation's future, by any positive action! We're dreaming of better indonesia full of Allah's blessings for its honest people, and full of good entrepreneurs..hehe
hope it isn't merely a dream, insya Allah.
hiiyyy...panjang niaaaaaan (duhh, dah lama ga 'valuable talks' nihh gie..hehehe,
pake blog ikah walau ga pernah diupdate..biarin ajah ah, yg penting eksis...lumayan,alhamdulillah)
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