Thursday, April 19, 2012


The passion to write a piece of writing has never been so good lately. I did experienced lots of things but the fingers were too lazy to type. Well, I am now eager to share a little thing about so-called a special thing – my wedding. I am now a husband, no more a bachelor. With this writing I am intending to disseminate good news so that everyone out there knows. My wife’s name is Solikah, it’s her blog: I married her on March 15, 2012. I don’t have to tell you all about her here; you may just visit her blog and ask her anything there. All I want share with you here is that, getting married is a part of life and almost everyone thinks it is a big thing in his life. Being a husband or wife is for sure everybody’s ideal, at least this is what I have in mind. To have a partner in the rest of our lives is a blessing of Allah. By having a partner (a legal partner) we’ll be able to live more happily, insya Allah. It is because getting a friend is human nature so both of them are going to the exact direction and goal. Lot of people are afraid to get married in the young age, me too. We’ll it’s prevalent in the mind of youngsters in Indonesia, but some of us are brave enough to take decision to get married when they are at college for example. The wariness arrives when other people say that getting married needs much money, or becoming a husband or wife limits the freedom in life. Lots of things come to our mind - influencing people to halt this sublime thing. Well, I’ve done this great thing and the real strive has just actually begun. I do pray for you, readers may you get married soon. This is a great thing equals to the half of religion (in Islam). Thanks for reading.

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